
Herbs are plant food substances. This is not a scientific definition it is a practitioner’s definition. It is used by the people who make recommendations about how to build better health naturally. If a person uses herbs they are an herbal practitioner. Herbs have been used since people began eating. They are not new and they were used long before there were people who called themselves doctors or scientists and they worked and they still do. A large amount of information concerning which herbs to use for what was intuitive and through some trail and error as people sought out what helped them.

Today we now have an impressive list of plants that build better health. There is a solution to every physical problem. It was meant to be that way. It is not experimental. The great religions of the world say much and give much information about the use of herbs. It has also been said each person has an herb. Since there are so many physical differences between us, it stands to reason one herb may do more for a certain person than another but do not despair. There is an herb for you too. Often there are many herbs that are especially helpful for you, just waiting to be discovered.

Luckily when eating an herb if the wrong one is taken, nothing much happens and if you do not eat much of it, body mechanisms usually reject it and you leave it alone. Interestingly enough, an herb which tastes awful to a person may indeed taste very agreeable to the same person when it is needed. Part of the fun is discovering your herb or herbs and, in the process, an acquaintance with herbs that help other people is gained. One fo the way to tell what an herb will do is to taste a little of it. This is much easier to do with a liquid herb than a tablet or a capsule but in any case it should be done before you ask anyone else to try an herb so it will at least be known if what the label says is in the bottle, is actually in the bottle. Practice has shown that even when two people have the same physical problem one may be helped more than another. This is because people are different and some folks are less ready to get well than others. Even when you know exactly what they need, they still find some way to keep it from working or a reason for not taking it. Never despair, that the herbs don’t work. This is a cooperative team effort. The team is made up of the herb or herbs and they know what to do, the Creator who gave them to us and we would expect the Creator to be willing for anything good, the one who gave the advice, and the person using the advice. Each member of the team must do their part.

Herbal Health with Dr. Rene

Herbal Health is designed for you to learn the benefits of specific herbs from the expertise and knowledge of Dr. Rene.

Herb of the Week:

Blessed Thistle (Centaurea Benedicta)

Properties and Uses: Oxygenator to brain, heart, lungs, and blood system, promotes mother’s milk, chest complaints, catalyst, energy and sense of well-being through oxygenation, menpause, female puberty, and improves liver functions.

Common Names: Holy Thistle 

Parts Used: Whole herb

Bodily Influences: Thistles are the “poor man’s” oxygen tent. Among those, Blessed Thistle has gained for its distinction the service of the oxygenator to heart, lungs, and brain. In disability of the lungs, added oxygenation to the heart allows fuel for the machinery to be used properly. Memory and body function are aidedgreatly by proper oxygenation.

Herbs of the Month


All Cell Salts


A.W. (Combination of (Green Hull) Black Walnut

B.D.R. – C

Blue Steele



*Information on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended for diagnosis, prescription, treatment or a cure for any disease, illness or condition. Our therapies are complimentary and alternative but in all cases of disease and illness it’s highly recommended you contact your doctor or healthcare provider before choosing a course of action